Key features of LEROY SOMER SP
Elevator model: Galaxy – Isis – Univers
Traction board: MCI
Motor: gearless Leroy Somer
Speed: 1,6 m/s
Max. weight:
– Galaxy : 630 kg
– Isis : 1000 kg
– Univers : 2000 kg
Elevator model: Galaxy – Isis – Univers
Traction board: MCI
Motor: gearless Leroy Somer
Speed: 1,6 m/s
Max. weight:
– Galaxy : 630 kg
– Isis : 1000 kg
– Univers : 2000 kg
SP1406 – SP2401
Express Repair
stock repair
Advanced swap
Based on a functional bench connected to a Gearless motor and on more than 10 years of experience, ADLC engineers have developed a complete testing process.
Preventive replacement of components to make our intervention more reliable and to extend the life of the LEROY SOMER SP.
In addition, to facilitate the return-to-service of your LEROY SOMER SP, ADLC provides a simplified return-to-service form specially written by our Quality department.
The LEROY SOMER SP drive is available in several product codes:
SP1405, SP1406, SP2401, SP2402, SP2403, SP2404, SP3401, SP3402, SP3403, SP3404, SP4401, SP4402, SP4403